Our Mission

ISDT Odisha sees its role in promoting sustainable changes by supporting voluntary efforts at the grass-root level. Setting up issue-based institutions, enhancing capacities and focusing on motivating and training youth for nation-building. To enable every person to have a house to live in. To Identify and work with the economically and socially deprived individuals starting with children, so that they become educated, skilled and aware.

We’ve funded 50 charity projects for 1500+ people around the world.

ISDT Odisha has always important an education of children more specifically those who are deprived of it due to different socioeconomic barriers. The Organization is open to the public for participation in its charitable activities in helping the social needy.

Food Served
Blood Donated
Happy Children

We’ve funded 50 charity projects for 1500+ people around the world.

Make Donation

to give something money, goods, or time to some cause, such as a charity. And make a donation of food to the poor people.

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Become a Volunteer

who voluntarily undertakes or expresses a willingness to undertake a service: such as training the children to educate, awarness regarding Meditation.

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Give Scholarship

amount of money given by a school, college, university, or other organization to pay for the studies of a person with great ability but little money to encourage them.

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